Thursday, March 12, 2020



Blockchain is still very new to mainstream society. The majority of people think that this is just a type of online currency. We are going to utilise blockchain to help overcome issues with crowd funding. More specifically equity crowd funding. There are many different crowdfunding platforms out there today. One of the first and most well known is Kickstarter. On Kickstarter, people invest in idea that they like, and at each bracket of investment you are offered a reward, usually getting better the more you invest. The reward will be worth less than the amount of investment. If you truly believe in the idea you’re investing in, why not become a part of it? With EQ Token, any investment you make in a company will give you equity in that company and allow distribution of dividends as well as the ability to sell your equity at any time. If you had of invested $10 in Uber in 2009 when they were worth $3.7m, your $10 investment would now be worth over $250,000 as they are now worth over $100b. Imagine if you’d have invested that $10 on Kickstarter and got some type of Uber novelty key chain as a reward?

Why Blockchain?
So, why would raising money using blockchain be any better than the current methods?
  • Fees – Current methods of crowdfunding have quite high fees. This is due to the fact that the crowdfunding companies are rarely able to handle the financial transactions themselves and often have to pay third parties for this service. Using cryptocurrencies, we will be able to easily handle all transactions ourselves, passing on financial savings to our customers. 
  • Equity – The majority of crowdfunding companies cannot offer equity in return for investment as it is just too hard to track exactly who owns what and to easily sell shares. Using Ethereum smart contracts we can easily divide up a 20% portion in a company into billions of small shares that can be traced back to individual Ethereum wallets to allow sharing of profits (dividends) or selling of tokens. 
  • Ownership – From day 1 of the token creation for a new project, you have 100% ownership of your tokens. You can send them to whoever you want, trade them for whatever you want or else even store them in an offline location to keep them safe. This type of freedom and ownership only comes wit blockchain.
The Future of Crowdfunding
EQ Token will use blockchain technology as a much better and more efficient way of equity crowdfunding. The benefits of using blockchain from an investors point of view are:

  • Small investments can be easily tracked and awarded with a proportionate share in the company through the use of tokens 
  • Profit sharing can be evenly and easily distributed to all investors 
  • Investors can also be given voting rights which can be verified by the number of tokens they own in their online wallets (this feature will come at a later date) 
  • These tokens can be privately sold to other investors or sold on our own token exchange at any time.
Benefits for a company listing on our crowdfunding platform are:
  • The company listing will pay a small fee (used to validate the listing, <$350) and any money collection/verification is carried out by our service. 
  • They are able to offer a portion of their company, which we will legally hold. We are then able to convert this into 100,000,000 tokens to be sold to investors 
  • Any quarterly/annual share in profits is then passed onto us which we can evenly distribute to all token holders  
  • In the event of a failed crowdfunding project where the goal was not reached within the allowed time-frame, we are able to return any investments received
 Current Options
  1. Some of the current main crowdfunding options on the market right now are all listed below with their main strengths and weaknesses. 
  2. One of our biggest selling points is the fact that we can offer equity to investors. There are a couple of alternatives currently on the market that can also offer equity. These are listed below: 
  3. Crowdcube is one of the few equity crowdfunding websites out there today but they take 1.5% of any investment you make as well as 8% of the total amount invested. Crowdcube does not share dividends or allow you to easily sell your equity whenever you want. Equity is only paid when the company is sold or goes public. 
  4. Seedrs is another equity crowdfunding website which charges fees of 7.5%. Seedrs does allow the paying of dividends but will charge 7.5% on these payments. Seedrs allows selling of shares to other investors but you will need to pair up with somebody on the Seedrs website to transfer your equity.
We will charge a registration fee for every project of $200-$300. This is to review each project, evaluate businesses and give the project a risk rating.

  • We will charge a 4% fee on every fully funded project. 
  • We will own 3% of the tokens from every project. 
  • We will charge a 2% fee on all dividends. 
  • We will charge a 0.25% fee on any trading of tokens on our website.
The above means that if a project has raised $200,000, the business raising money will receive $192,000 and the investors will receive a share of 97,000,000 tokens. This method of taking fees will share the burden, on more well-known crowdfunding websites, the funding received by the business would be under $185,000. 

EQ20 Token
The EQ20 token will be an ERC20 token. This token will be used to raise money to allow EQ Token to get started. A total of 70m tokens will be offered in the initial exchange offering for a price of $0.05/token.

The 3% of all tokens created through fully funded projects belong to us so these tokens will be evenly airdropped to all EQ20 token holders. A standard project will be created with 100m tokens. We will own 3m of these tokens and so these will be airdropped to all EQ20 holders. This means that for every 10,000 EQ20 tokens ($500) you buy, you will receive 300 tokens from every fully funded project that we ever create so investors in EQ20 will own a stake in every company the EQ Token business ever helps fund. Ever! These tokens can then be sold on our decentralised exchange at any time or they can be kept in your wallet so that any funded company that starts to become successful, will start to pay dividends directly into your wallet!

  • We also plan to airdrop 25% of the 2% dividend fee to EQ20 token holders as well! 
  • The EQ20 token will be used to raise funds to help get EQ Token started. There will be 70m tokens sold in total in the EQ Token initial exchange offering for a price of $0.05 per token to help raise $3.5m.
  • The token sale will last for 30 days and our minimum target is to sell 35m tokens. If we do not reach our minimum token sale target within the timeframe, all funds will be returned to investors. 
  • 1m EQ20 tokens will be used for promotional purposes to help increase awareness of EQ Token and what we plan to accomplish (mostly through social media competitions). 
  • There will be 4m EQ20 tokens that will be used to reward participants in our bounty program. These tokens will be paid 1-2 months after the successful completion of the IEO. 
  • The remaining 25m tokens will be kept by the core development team and may be used to pay external contractors. 
Road Map
  • November 2019 - Release of whitepaper - Completed 
  • January 2020 - We have started our Bounty program to help raise awareness of EQ Token before our IEO. We are offering 4,000,000 EQ20 tokens to participants. 
  • Q1 2020 - IEO release to sell 70m EQ20 tokens for $0.05/token to raise $3.5m needed to get EQ Token off the ground with enough capital to expand quickly across Europe. 
  • Q2 2020 - Start to hire EQ Token core team and open UK and European offices 
  • 2021 - Aim to open offices in the US and further develop the EQ Token team and business 
In conclusion, I believe that blockchain is going to be the future of investing. EQ Token is in the unique position to be one of the very first equity crowdfunding platforms based on blockchain.
The benefits of using blockchain over current crowdfunding methods are: 

  • Lower fees 
  • We are our own payments service 
  • 100% control of your equity tokens 
  • Equity in return for any sized investment
Crowdfunding and blockchain are both relatively new concepts, both with exponentially growing markets. The combination of both could and will re-shape the world economy. You don’t want to be sitting 5 years down the line looking at the EQ20 price of >$10/token knowing you could have bought in at the ground floor for $0.05/ token. 

White paper:
ANN Thread:

Bitcointalk Username: RedTrust
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1726043
ETH Wallet Address: 0x6E7abE1d59BF334c13B5b0426E091Da269475072

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

AoS Pooling - The Art of Science

AoS is a platform that optimally utilizes cryptocurrency exchanges and investments. Cryptocurrency is very popular these days, but actually not everyone understands it. AoS has developed several strategies to ensure that everyone who invests in them always smiles at the bank.

Knowing that nothing is more important than trust in business relationships, AoS has built a strong network based on trust, integrity and reliability of its customers. Aside from the amazing benefits that you can make, there are other reasons why you need to register for AoS.

The cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainties. However, with a professional crew and certified experts such as from AoS, you are very confident that your investment is in safe hands. So, anytime you have reason to worry about your investment.

AoS attaches great importance to professionalism and excellent delivery at all times. You go the extra mile to ensure that all of your customer goals are met. They always do the work for you. That's why people keep coming into them.

The same scenario occurs at RealKoyn, where a whole new dimension is added to the various investments that can be made in the real estate niche. With a team of experienced and dedicated professionals, there is no better place to make your investment than at RealKoyn. With them, you are very sure that you are dealing with real assets and are only making real profits. The entire platform is based on Ethereum's EReum 20 blockchain technology, and this is very good news for investors.

Investing in RealKoyn offers several advantages. The whole process has been simplified and tokens can be bought at the push of a button. Another reason why it is a solid and valuable investment is that it is connected to the country. Along with water and food, land is the most important resource for humanity. This is a unit that always gains value, no matter what - the country never loses value.

What AoS does is completely confuse the niche by mixing cryptocurrency investments with real estate transactions. Although Koyn works like other ERC20 tokens on the market, it makes a difference in terms of security and value.

Partner with AoS, a top-level organization and let us help you navigate through dynamic crypto fields.

About 15% of cryptocurency tokens are beneficial. We have found a trap and how to cross it. The return of the crypto cannot be beaten, so it really is worth the trip. Join us and take advantage of our expertise.

Why go with us?

If you still ask why, consider these three things.

1. Experience

We are not trying to find out everything. Most have already been thought of. Experience is a valuable commodity when dealing with money from people's efforts. Our goal is to use all of our combined experiences to grow your assets.

2. Credentials

Many of our teams have operated under licenses where government oversight is an unavoidable reality. This gives us an edge on competitors who don't yet operate in such an environment. You don't want to pay them to find out.

3. Transparency

You will know your exact status. You will have access to everything you need to know and more to make sure you always know. We believe in marriage the value of new school technology and old school.

We want to help you make money repeatedly

Our aim is to develop long-term relationships with investors and our members. This requires a high level of perseverance and performance and we believe we are ready for it.
Our process

1. Research

Opportunities are everywhere, you just need to find them. The possibilities are endless but time is not so we focus on the sectors that we have identified as targets.

2. Patterns and Trends

Everything has a trace; how to track it. We observe patterns and trends to not only see today but also the future with our best capabilities.

3. ID and Development

We identify the best opportunities and develop them. Opportunities examined are examined on a scale of ownership and the best of the best is chosen.

4. Securitization

We bring this opportunity to you by securing it.


Land is the most important resource after food and water. What better resource for finding value? AoS disrupts the game with a better version of the coin. Koyn can operate the same as any ERC20 token on the market; that's not what sets it apart. What's behind it Token with inherent value and security.


Multi stages are better for early contributors

● 20%: Reserve

● 60%: Real Estate Assets

● 5%: Airdrop

● 2%: Contributors and Advisers

● 10%: Founder

● 3%: Gifts and Marketing


With a mixture of property types we can find the best deals

● 10%: Industry

● 10%: Land

● 35%: Multi-Family

● 25%: Occupancy

● 20%: Commercial


Most of the funds are related to project acquisition

● 5%: Marketing

● 85%: Real Estate Identification, Security, Development, Sales

● 10%: Administration, Operations, Legal


The first rounders are always the most successful and then the next round. Get early and glad you did.

First round - 20% bonus

● Start Date: Feb. 14

● End Date: Feb 21

● Token price: $ 0.10

Second Half - 15% bonus

● Start Date: Feb 22

● End Date: Feb 29

● Token price: $ 0.15

Third Round - 10% Bonus

● Start Date: March 1

● End Date: March 7

● Token price: $ 0.20

Final Round - 5% Bonus

● Start Date: March 8

● End Date: Mar 15

● Token price: $ 0


April 2018
Organizational Development
Make offers, including Legal and Whitepaper

July 2018
Core Team Recruitment
Identification of core team members, outreach and placement.

SEP 2018
Core Team Development
Arrange the team for a successful salary increase and project planning and development afterwards.

JAN 2019
Development of Social Media Network Beta
Begin to develop the concept and architecture of our answers to the Social Media gap.

MARCH 2019
Community development
Outreach to the world of Crypto to include all major crypto media and channels.

July 2019
Development of Social Media Networks Beta B
Continue to the next stage of development for our Holisitic Social Network.

Team Development and Preparation
Recruit and place new members correctly and prepare for launch.

JAN 2020
Media Launch, PR and PR Community Engagement
launch and flash through social media channels.

JAN 2020

Raise Funds through Pre-Sales bonuses and discounts - motivate investors.

FEB 2020


Continue to raise funds through the 4 Phase ICO.

March 2020


Continue to raise funds through IEO with carefully selected partners.

April 2020

Listing Exchange

After reviewing the exchange options, we will execute the contract and register on several exchanges.

June 2020

Project Start

Our team will research, identify, analyze and secure projects that meet our criteria.

JULY 2020

Complete Social Networking Site

Members will enjoy the benefits of a holistic online community.


Frederik Lund

Rubab Arshad

Sean Brizendine

Hamza Khan

Daryl Naidoo

JC Restless

Nick Gray

Kenneth Jones











Authorship: RedTrust

Bitcointalk Url:;u=1726043

ACC ETH: 0x6E7abE1d59BF334c13B5b0426E091Da269475072


About BlockSafe
With any industry that is experiencing growth, there will always be seen to be rich behind the others. & nbsp; The cryptocurrency industry has seen recurring themes over the past two years & ndash; Theft. & Nbsp; In 2018 alone we have seen hundreds of millions of dollars stolen. & Nbsp; This does not even include losses that are not reported.

Although we strive for interoperability, it undoubtedly causes big problems. & nbsp; Achieving this, and the convenience that is brought with it, we continue to introduce new gateways for violations and unwanted system entries. & Nbsp; Between cellular, cloud and desktop services, our information if fragmented in a dangerous way.

Safe solutions are needed to keep pace with this growing industry. & nbsp; Although this may be a difficult task, because the technology is developing day by day, it needs to be done.

BlockSafe Technologies plans to fix the problem of theft in the industry. & nbsp; Although theft will always occur, services such as those proposed by BlockSafe can minimize the amount of damage done.

To achieve their goals, the company has plans for 3 main products. & nbsp; Crypto Defender, & nbsp; Exchange Defender, & nbsp; Blockchain Defender. </ em>

This is just a brief example of some of the features offered by each product. & nbsp; Along with the development of the company, this product will become more expansive, and continue to adapt to the industry.

This combination of products offers a comprehensive way of security for everyday users. & nbsp; It's proactively easier, and prevents hackers from stealing funds / data, than being reactive. & Nbsp; More often than not, reactive actions have proven to be fruitless. & Nbsp; By offering platforms such as those displayed by BlockSafe, users can be more relaxed, knowing that they are proactive in their approach to security.

The features
To fund the development of their product range, BlockSafe will accommodate & nbsp; Upcoming STO. & nbsp; During this STO, they will sell their ERC-20 tokens known as & lsquo; BSAFE & rsquo; & Nbsp; This token will be sold as collateral, and offers investors the opportunity to buy shares in BlockSafe itself.

BlockSafe BSAFE tokens make passive contributions, BlockSafe receives ten percent of top-line sales revenue and returns to the token holder every quarter.

Token Details

1. Heart: BSAFE

2. Token Supply: 120,000,000

3. STO distribution: 64%

4. Distribution Date: TBD

Token Sales

1. Start Date STO: Q4 2018

2. End Date STO: TBD

3. Raised: Looking for $ 27,000,000

4. Price of STO per Token: $ 0.25-0.50 USD

5. Accepted Currencies: BTC, ETH, USD

Token Allocation

1%: Seed Round (1.2 Million Tokens)

37%: Pre-STO (44.4 Million Tokens)

27%: STO (32.4 Million Tokens)

20%: Team / Adviser (24 Million Tokens)

15%: Reserves (18 Million Tokens)

Use of Funds

37.00%: R&D Expansion

17%: Company

15.00%: Operations

15%: Marketing

8.00%: Legal & Insurance

2.00%: Miscallaneous



September 2018


January 2019

CryptoDefenderTM ver 2.0

Q1 2019

ExchangeDefenderTM ver 2.0

Q2 2019

CryptoDefenderTM ver 3.0

Q3 2019

BlockchainDefenderTM ver 1.0

Q3 2019

To get clearer and more accurate information please visit the link below:

Official site:







Username : RedTrust
Profil bitcointalk :;u=1726043
Eth: 0x6E7abE1d59BF334c13B5b0426E091Da269475072
Telegram : @cahyadimo

Ioox System _ Cryptocurrency payment system with ioox ring device

Ioox Coin
Take advantage of Blockchain Technology to use a young team with a clear vision, ioox Coin and other cryptocurrency in daily life. Everyday. We do not believe in the confidentiality of transactions, they create uncertainties and lack of control. We believe in transparency, more secure and verifiable. ioox money every day, to pay for a coffee, a drink. The ioox coin is for ordinary people who work, read or enjoy the pension they deserve. ioox coin will replace micro transactions with cash or credit cards, for every day. Everyday people actually trade less than $ 10 a day, ioox coin makes a violation in the heart of these people. It will not be for the real mass adoption and ioox Ring, but also the engine.

We dreamed of the future. It will come closest to us for payment systems. To do this, we must forget our present time and reflect our thoughts over time. We enter a new world without paper payment tools and old credit cards. Our future Jhon will leave home, enter a cafe and pay our ioox money by putting the ioox ring in the chest reader. They will have nothing with it, just a ring or their own bracelet. In the near future, in addition to allowing us to pay, we will pay with the ioox coin and ioox ring, which also includes our basic information: blood group, allergy, housing, how many steps we take per day and what life expectancy do we have? according to our lifestyle. Enter our future.

Initial Release & Technology
ioox Technology integrates crypto-based currencies into a Blockchain ecosystem with current payment systems. You can carry out daily micro-transactions, every day with ioox coins and the ioox wearable systems (ring or bracelet) and set the daily budget through the remote settings. It will therefore be possible to set up payments with ioox coins in the partner shops or in USD in stores that are not yet enabled.

We are developing a tool for everyday life for everyone, and every person we know is very well, has different times and approaches to new technologies.

Transparency & Trust
Through the management tool it will be possible to set and memorize your ring usage preferences. You can set daily payment limits and track monthly expenses. We want to build a transparent, fast and dynamic ecosystem. A new payment system, not a clone of old systems.

Investor profits follow two paths. Increase in the value of the currency proportional to the number of use. We want to reach mass, this is our goal. The second avenue of profit derives from the sale of the technological support, ring or bracelet with the ioox brand.

Ecosystem - One Platform For Mass Adoption
The native ioox project implementation platform works on the Ethereum network. A reliable and secure Blockchain network. Our choice was guided by the need to exploit the security and reliability of an existing network and apply to it a technology that predicts that by 2020 about 340 million people will use wearable payment systems, smartwatches, rings, etc. source The IHS report Near Field Communications. We will be part of this future and we will be trusted carriers.

Final Consideration
ioox's primary goal is to make the ioox payment technology used by the masses, creating financial inclusion. Participating in the ioox project means being part of the future. Transactions via wearable devices are 40% faster and within a few years they will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. Today is an important day for us.

Ioox Token

  • Public Sale: 20%
  • Private Sale: 40%
  • Reserve Fund: 10%
  • Team & Founder: 15%
  • Bounty & Events: 6%
  • Advisors & Partners: 9%C
  • Coin Name: ioox
  • Tickers/ Symbol: ioox
  • Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 ioox
  • Decimals 8

ioox is developing a global data-driven platform for the world. Powered by blockchain and smart contracts.


Tobe honest, I am pleased to see and meet projects like ioox. After all, thanks to his innovative ideas and solutions, our world does not stop and who knows, maybe in the very near future he will see him at the nearest café-bar, where he will be very happy and happy to pay for his Coffee with a bracelet or an ioox ring. Which I think will be fantastic.

Bitcointalk Username: RedTrust
ETH Wallet Address: 0x6E7abE1d59BF334c13B5b0426E091Da269475072

CODEO PLATFORM - New World Digital Assets

Digital assets and crypto currencies, currency market growth continues to grow and develop rapidly and has reached more than 10 million transactions every day with total trading according to coin marketcap reaching $ 216 billion in 24 hours where total trading providers called exchanges have reached a total of 20745 with many trading coins of 4000 tokens and crypto currencies. This growth is growing rapidly because it is driven by increasing confidence in blockchain technology while simultaneously becoming a very promising business for the future.

Currently the development of digital technology is growing very rapidly, especially Blockchain Technology. This is a new technology that can be applied in all types of industries that support sophisticated and encrypted security systems and has excellent speed on decentralized and peer to peer networks. Blockchain is a promising new technology especially in the banking and digital finance sector. The presence of Bitcoin as a digital currency was discovered in 2007 by an unknown person or group of people who use the name "SATOSHI NAKAMOTO". The first presence of Bitcoin took place in August 2008 and over time, the development of cryptocurrency continued to grow so rapidly which was marked by a significant increase in Bitcoin users and communities around the world until early 2019 The first transaction occurred where someone bought Pizza using Bitcoin. Since the first transaction was successful, the demand for Bitcoin continues to increase so that the value of Bitcoin continues to grow to the present.

Codeo Token is a payment instrument that uses ERC 20 technology. This transaction instrument is supported by Nodes Network based on Ethereum Technology which has an ecosystem that supports and complements each other. The advantage of buying a Token Token is that you will get a guaranteed base price of $ 1 per 1 token that you buy from Five Angels Investment Holding Pte. Company Ltd. This is a Singapore-based company with registered number UEN201835723H.

This company will guarantee and save your conventional money based on the amount of tokens in circulation in the Company's bank account. You will have a repurchase guarantee of $ 1 which means that the price of Codeo Tokens will not drop below $ 1. If this happens, as a registered and trusted company, Five Angels Investment Holding Pte. Ltd will buy back your Token for $ 1. In addition, owning a Codeo Shop you will get additional benefits from the 2% interest rate that you can receive on June 7 every year. Value of 2% of $ 1 The value paid will be added automatically to your Codeo Token Wallet based on Equivalent Market Value.

Codeo tokens are built using peer-topeer technology that is very safe and decentralized. Codeo Tokens are transaction instruments that are an integral part of the ecosystem that is a product and contribute significantly to supporting all Codeo Token activities.

Codeo tokens are similar to the idea of ​​tokens namely; has an integrated concept, such as Binance where BNB (Binance Coin) as a transaction instrument will support all activities in Binance. Unlike Codeo Tokens where all tokens will be integrated with all major transactions and circulated in the ecosystem.

Therefore Codeo Tokens will be counted as internal currencies and also utility tokens. Codeo tokens can be seen and traded on major market exchanges throughout the world such as BINANCE, IDAX, HUOBI, CATEX and BITFINEX. Codeo Token is a LIMA INVESTMENT business unit, LIMA LIMITED based in Tortola British Virgin Island (BVI) which publishes and supports Codeo Token products and its global operations.

The growth of Codeo Stores began with the existence of our first step Ecosystem. Market exchange, Archidax, and our Incubator Program will support the growth of digital startups and encourage the use of all Codeo Token network products released by startups as members of the Archidax and Codeo Token incubation programs.

Codeo Token will also continue to expand market networks and transactions in all crypto market exchanges throughout the world, especially in the top crypto market exchanges. The use of Codeo Tokens will also continue to grow in all industrial lines outside the Blockchain, both digital and non-digital.

Our goal comes in the form of digital assets and blockchain-based digital payment instruments that require the development of a decentralized digital economy stick with safe and unlimited digital and support the role of banks in making certain digital distribution plans.

The problem that might arise in cryptocurrency like bitcoin is that the comparison between supply and demand is not directly proportional because of the amount, and the mining process becomes more difficult, therefore it is believed that bitcoin is only a digital asset. which is more likely to be equated with expensive gold or diamonds as a means of transaction or payment.

There are many cryptocurrency developers that have emerged in connection with the replacement of bitcoin as a means of payment. They release and assure users / public that their products can use Bitcoin as a viable transaction tool in this blockchain. As an example; Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and others.

All coins and tokens build their trust fund as a means of solvent payment. But unfortunately there are also many irresponsible token developers where they use this ability to raise funds and are vulnerable to scammers.

This is a serious problem. Some developers issue tokens and convince investors to buy promising plans for their tokens and the success of their promotion tokens in the future. But in reality, 97% of all projects issued in 2017-2019 through ICO (initial coin offering) failed and there were prominent scammer investors as victims. This situation makes investors retire and leave the blockchain industry.

The problem that arises today is the result of a crisis of confidence in the blockchain industry, quoted at in December 2017, where bitcoin trading reached 24,218,500,000 within 24 hours, but now only 13,696,517,811. This decreased sharply, which was accompanied by a decrease in the number of encryption users. This is evidenced by many bankrupt exchanges such as Dederex and even the new Coinexchange Comer, which announced it was closing its platform in December 2019.

The features

Cryptoactive digital.
CODEO Tokens are digital crypto assets, can be stored like any other paper.

Payment method.
CODEO Token will be a reliable payment tool in the blockchain industry. Therefore, CODEO tokens can be used anywhere in our world.

CODEO tokens will be displayed in many famous crypto exchanges. Therefore, you can invest in it to get good profits in the future, and you can trade it at any time.

Price is stable
The advantage of getting a CODEO Token is if you suddenly buy a token for $ 1 and in the market it somehow falls below $ 1, then you don't need to panic, because you can sell it later at the same price they bought, that is, for 1 dollars on the ARCHIDAX exchange.

Additional fee of 2% per year.
CODEO token holders will receive an additional income of 2% per year each year. A certain 2% will be automatically sent to your CODEO cryptocurrency wallet on the ARCHIDAX exchange.

Availability of CODEO Tokens.
Because CODEO tokens will be presented at many famous cryptoexchange, they can be easily traded. The team claims that only obtaining a CODEO Token on the global market is their main concern.

Token Sales
CODEO TOKEN was built with various uniqueness and privileges unlike other Tokens, because CODEO TOKEN is present as a vehicle that forms a safe and comfortable digital ecosystem by providing protection not only to security, but also protection of business value and value of codeo assets owned by users. in business aspects the Code is designed as a long-term and sustainable digital transaction instrument where CODEO TOKEN is in the future planning phase which will be used not only for crypto users and the blockchain industry but CODEO TOKEN continues to build a unique and integrated ecosystem in various industries. through FIVE ANGES INVESTMENT (FAI Limited) Legal companies registered with the British Virgin Island (BVI) will encourage the CODEO TOKEN function to be used in various industries including Startup products included in the CODEO incubator program Spread of codeo ecosystem support in various industries

CODEO Is the best investment instrument in the field of digital assets where you will get a variety of benefits and benefits ranging from collateral and value protection to ecosystems and communities that support each other.


  • Symbol: CODEO
  • InitialValue: 1 CODEO = 1 USD
  • SmartContract 0x46b4a7d906F1A943b7744Df23625E63726d79035
  • TypeERC20
  • Totalallocation of 1 Trillion
  • Distributionof CODEO 30 Billion CODEO
  • Initial CODEO Published 3 Billion CODEO
  • IEO Issues 300,000,000 CODEO





My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1726043

Brightchain based Nuclear Token Blockchain

Bright Nuclear Token is a Blockchain of Digital Creation based on Leading Ethereum. That applies blockchain technology in creating and sharing in new values. Bright Nuclear Token is an ERC-20 based token and the system is in the form of our utility token. Bright Nuclear Token introduces a new way of blockchain with a Spirit of Growth and a challenging spirit, and this service also helps build Charitable funds.

ICO Merketplace
We will use these funds received from ICO and Presale for Project development, Marketing to increase the popularity of Bright Nuclear Tokens. And we will continue to try to control the level of peace tokens to benefit our ICO investors.

Bright Nuclear Token (BNT) Service
Bright Nuclear Tokens will always serve their customers. We have created all Safe Chains in this way. This project is an integrated and integrated project so we really appreciate our customers. That's why we will provide all their services. We will make everyone's security chain aware of our customers and keep them safe. Our team members, officially the admin and support system are ready 24 hours to provide all services to our users and investors. The developer of Bright Nuclear Token is 24 hours on duty and does all updates smoothly. And the Community always gives the news to our users.

Various profitable methods
The main target of Bright Nuclear Token is a stable market position. Bright Nuclear Tokens will work to make the buyers and sellers profit and also succeed. Buyers buy them at very reasonable prices and sell for big profits. Bright Nuclear Tokens also plan to control their markets.

A pleasant opportunity
Bright Nuclear Tokens will provide many attractive opportunities for their holders and members. Buyers buy Bright Nuclear Tokens at very reasonable prices and sell for big profits. In the future members will also buy Bright Nuclear Token products themselves at very attractive prices.

Pre-sale & ICO Criteria

First Round Pre-sale

Starting: - 10-March-2020 (6:00) GMT

End: - 19-March-2020 (6:00) GMT

Price in USD $ 0.025 (50% discount)

Pre-sale Second Round

Starting: - 21-March-2020 (6:00) GMT

End: - 30-March-2020 (6:00) GMT

Price in USD $ 0.0375 (25% discount)


Starting: - 31-March-2020 (6:00) GMT

End: - 7-April-2020 (6:00) GMT

Price in USD $ 0.045 (10% bonus)

Main thoughts
The main thought process of the Bright Nuclear Token project comes from charity development. We believe in peace and Bright Nuclear Tokens will help everyone to build their own position. The Bright Nuclear Token charity fund will help underprivileged people.

The purpose of ICO
Bright Nuclear Tokens have a unit value, that value can be traded. This value can be in the form of crypto-currencies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. Tokens will be used to collect funds in ICO (Initial Coin Offering) or crowdsale. ICO funds will help increase project growth.


Gilbert Blazho Chang (CEO & Founder)
Alberia Margiun (SD & co-founder)
Asa Markar (ICOAdvisor)
Indra Redovic (CFO & co-founder)
Cleizer Tatagiba (CCO & co-founder)
John Lester (CSO & Co-Founder)
By admin administrator (MarketingManger)
Esenbai Abdyshev (EAoFBNT)
Martins Wellington Martins (COOoFBNT)
Jean Ramirez (CLOoFBNT)
TranHuy (CTOoFBNT)
Carlos Mahutana (CIOoFBNT)
Yoezriva lRenanda (MMoFBNT)
Mehul Kansam (CMOoFBNT)
Sud Ali Sudirgo (SPOoFBNT)

United States of America
United Kingdom
South Korea
spanish orange


Monday, March 9, 2020

FRED ENERGY🌀Green Energy projects on the blockchain

FRED Energy aims to promote and facilitate greater adoption and generation of alternative energy by consumers and Funding Research into Energy Devices (FRED) Rising energy costs, fuel poverty and access to support and funding for innovators in energy devices are some of the problems that are the objectives of from FRED Energy is complete.

Increasing energy costs, triggering poverty and access to support and funding for energy device innovators are some of the problems that FRED Energy wants to solve.

Today we see massive changes by car manufacturers and oil giants into electric vehicles (EV) and EV driving speeds will become increasingly fast standards. The social and economic changes adopted en masse by EV alone will be large, electric current and will continue to be the dominant energy requirement for consumers. While the EV revolution will play an important role in future energy needs in developed countries, the new economy, population growth and increased use of electrical equipment and equipment also contribute to the estimated increase in global demand by 30% by 2040.

This is where we look towards the bigger picture and imagine solutions for our future energy needs lies in new methods of producing energy, educating consumers in energy efficiency and bringing energy generation to the consumer level. The theory is breaking the current cycle by encouraging consumers if possible to reduce their energy costs by producing their own electricity and becoming more energy efficient, this in turn will help stabilize costs, provide more affordable energy and energy security for all.

We believe that diversification will be the key to our success and have several projects that can be achieved with relatively low funding requirements, namely;

Project Energize will focus on Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. The EV filling station market is currently developing worldwide and while large companies are investing in large infrastructure, there is a need for smaller independence to meet certain segments.

Market development for alternative energy is everything. Initially displaying our partner products, it will eventually include home and commercial EV chargers, solar panel systems, electric vehicles, consumer wind turbines and other related gadgets with payment options to include FRED Energy tokens and other crypto currencies in addition to traditional methods. It will also showcase innovator products and provide a platform for collaboration on new methods of energy reduction and generation.

Funding Research into Energy Devices (FRED), many of the world's biggest discoveries have been made by people with little scientific expertise but have developed their findings through trial and error. Today, there are engineers, scientists and hobby inventors who develop technology that will one day change the way we produce, consume and store energy.

The biggest problem they face is the lack of resources or funds to fully realize their findings and bring them to market. Our goal is to collaborate with this technology developer and create partnerships by providing funding for projects that can change the energy system that we know today. We have discussed several innovations and patents aimed at maximizing energy production and storage.

The social and economic changes adopted by electric vehicles alone require large-scale electricity and will become the dominant energy needs of consumers. The electric vehicle revolution plays an important role in the future energy demand of connected countries, while the new economy, population growth and increased use of electrical equipment and equipment are expected to increase.

Here we see the bigger picture and imagine that solutions for future energy needs are new ways to produce energy, educate consumers about energy efficiency and bring energy generation to the consumer level. This theory breaks the current cycle as much as possible by encouraging consumers to reduce their energy costs by producing their own electricity and increasing energy efficiency. This will ultimately help stabilize costs and provide cheaper energy and energy security.

We believe that diversification will be the key to our success and relatively low funding needs

The energy project focuses on charging stations for electric vehicles (EV). The market for electric vehicle charging stations is emerging globally and large companies are investing in key infrastructure, but little independence is needed to meet niche problems.

Development of markets for alternative energy. The first time the partner product was chosen, besides traditional methods, it included commercial and home EV chargers, solar panel systems, electric vehicles, consumer wind turbines and other related gadgets with payment options including FRED energy tokens and others. criptovalute. It also offers innovative products and offers a platform to collaborate on energy savings and new generation methods.

Funding for energy device research (FRED) makes the greatest discovery in the world by people with little scientific experience, but develops test results through trial and error. Today there are engineers, users and enthusiasts who develop technology that will change the way we produce, consume and store energy.
Our future plans

Head of the Green Energy Blockchain project

Fred Energy wants to be recognized as a key player in the blockchain green energy project. Use your niche to enter the market of EV service stations and increase your market share. Help consumers to accelerate the use and development of alternative energy. To be the leading online marketplace for alternative energy products that accept cryptocurrency. Utility tokens based on safe stars.

Move to an electric car

More than 120 years ago, electric cars gained popularity, only to be replaced by the T model, mass-produced by Henry Ford.

At present, we have electric vehicles (EV car manufacturers and ahead) the oil giant is seeing huge changes in speed and EV units are a fast growing standard. The social and economic changes adopted by electric vehicles alone require large-scale electricity and will become the dominant energy needs of consumers.

Token Information

Token name: FRED ENERGY

Symbol: FRED

Type: Utility

Preica String: 1 FRED / FRED Energy = 0.01

Energy prices start at 1 USD FRED / FRED = 0.03

USD platform: stars

Available: XLM, ETH, BTC, LTC

Soft stamp: 2,400,000 USD

Hard stamp: $ 12,000,000

Allocation fund

Project acceleration 10%

Project donation

55% Energy Fund 20% for energy equipment research

Shop.fredenergy 5%

Marketing 5%

5% legal commission on company establishment

Q3 - 2018
Starting from the coin blockchain
Q2 - 2019
IEO pre-sales and sales after signing, Duchain Blockchain Fredenergy becomes flexible
Q3 2019-
Token sales
Create partnerships / legal requirements to manage project acceleration work. The position of the power plant ev. Application development. The online marketplace continues

Fred's troops

For further information, please click the link below:

White paper:


Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1726043
ETH: 0x6E7abE1d59BF334c13B5b0426E091Da269475072


Arc Iris aims to carry out the next generation integrated project for sophisticated cryptocurrency mining which is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. This will provide a safe long-term investment with reverse cryptocurrency exposure, but safe against cryptocurrency volatility by ensuring the lowest operating costs. The project envisages utilizing Hydrogen technology to power cryptocurrency miners
The Iris Hydrogen Arc is a group of people who work to develop innovative solutions in the field of water treatment and complementary forms of energy to make this technology accessible to everyone. With one of its first projects, Arc Iris Hydrogen has set a goal to implement the next generation integrated project for sophisticated environmentally friendly cryptocurrency mining. Sustainable and proven methods are used that significantly increase the benefits to the environment as well as for the miners themselves.

Iris Arc - Hydrogen Mining
Iris Arc aims to carry out the next generation integrated project for cryptocurrency mining which is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. This will provide safe long-term investment with reverse exposure to cryptocurrency, but safe from cryptocurrency volatility by guaranteeing the lowest operating costs.

Use hydrogen technology to improve cryptocurrency miners. We create profitable and efficient cryptocurrency mining facilities with a solid infrastructure. Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin mining will be supported by hydrogen energy with sustainable best practices.

Mining can be done using various processing equipment depending on the type of currency and mining algorithm and the protocol they follow. Bitcoin requires very powerful equipment, such as ASIC devices, which can produce enough processing power to extract it profitably.

However, every type of cryptocurrency mining requires high processing power and the use of large amounts of energy simultaneously. As the cryptocurrency mining industry moves towards the maturity phase, a bright future is full of extraordinary developments.

Energy costs will definitely increase due to the complexity and time consumption of Bitcoin mining. Because the energy consumption of the crypto mining industry has reached confusing proportions, it has a very bad impact on the environment.

This is more due to the fact that the crypto mining industry is energized by electricity. In addition, electricity is mainly produced with fossil fuels. Mining concentrations in countries with low social and environmental standards make the situation worse.

This damages the environment. Arc Iris has an innovative and disruptive model to successfully overcome environmental problems and other issues related to cryptocurrency mining. We have compiled a solution which is a by-product of structured water (hexagonal water) and is divided into hydrogen and oxygen. With the help of developed fuel cell technology, we can now drastically reduce the use of external electricity and, therefore, the cost of external electricity more efficiently.

To enable this, we have created our own cryptocurrency - Iris Arc - ACI Coin - The Rainbow Currency. ACI Coin is based on the POW Scrypt algorithm. Arc Iris Development Inc. creating cryptocurrency and Bitcoin operations that are energy efficient through the use of hydrogen technology. Through the use of sophisticated cloud mining techniques to create a mechanism that allows everyone to become a cryptocurrency miner.

Cloud mining offers users the benefits of cryptocurrency mining without maintaining any mining equipment. Iris Arc has optimized vertical integration along the value chain to achieve the best operating results and efficiency in asset management and crypto currency operations. Arc Iris intends to use the latest blockchain technology and environmentally friendly practices to create sustainable organizations.

Arc Iris has a solid financial plan and competitive strategy. The Iris Arc team consists of highly experienced and qualified professionals. The ICO Arc Iris Arc Presale will begin in the first week of December 2019. ICO public sales will begin in the first week of January 2020 and will continue until 30 April 2020 or until our goal is reached. Our goal is to collect 15 million dollars. An extraordinary crowdsale bonus will be available during ICO, especially Pre-ICO.

Market Summary
Cryptocurrency has been revolutionary and extraordinary in the early years of its formation, since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. As the mining industry moves towards its maturity phase. However, operating costs, especially energy consumption, are a key consideration for the entire cryptocurrency mining industry. Energy consumption by cryptocurrency mining is huge. Bitcoin itself uses up a lot of energy as shown in the graph:

Total annual electricity consumption is estimated at 73.12 TWh, which is comparable to Austrian energy consumption. This shows a very high growth from the estimated total annual electricity consumption of 9.5 TWh in January 2017 to a total annual electricity consumption of 73.1 TWh in September 2019.

According to the Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index, a project by Alex Vries, a blockchain specialist at PwC, annual global mining costs $ 3.66 billion, with revenues of $ 7 billion. The Bitcoin energy consumption index model predicts that miners will eventually spend 60% of their income on electricity.

At present, the maximum proportion of mining revenue, which is $ 2.3 billion, is spent on electricity costs. Alex de Vries set the price per kilowatt at 5 cents and said that in many places energy is cheaper, for example, the regular price of coal-based electricity in China is 4 cents per kilowatt-hour.

OUR UNIQUE SOLUTIONS Surprisingly profitable and environmentally friendly to mine cryptocurrency Arc Iris Hydrogen has an effective and innovative model for successfully addressing the resources, environment and energy problems of the mining community today. Our system focuses on the synergistic effect of solar power and the newly rediscovered energy source, hydrogen. This almost unlimited access to primary energy sources is a guarantee of success for our mining technology. Through a combination of photovoltaic technology and brilliant fuel cells, we can significantly reduce external power input to the mining system, making such activities much cheaper and more attractive.


  • SAFE private key is stored only with the user to ensure maximum security.
  • HDWALLET Arc Iris supports a Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallet equipped with 2 FA. The HD Wallet, based on a 12-word master key and a system of 128-bit random values, provides extra security against attacks.
  • CCSSCryptocurrency Security Standards (CCSS) involve 10 aspects of security to ensure that customer and cryptocurrency transactions are carried out with a high level of transparency and security.
  • COLDTORAGE It makes private keys offline and online with a watch-only wallet.
  • DOUBLEIGITAL ASSETS Arc Iris supports ACI, BTC, ETH, LTC, ZEC, and all ECR20 tokens. More digital assets continue to be added. -WALLET Arc Iris supports paper wallet.

The Iris Arc wallet will be launched in January 2020.

Active contribution to environmental protection
Used in several projects as a loyalty coin
A fast-growing community throughout the world
To be used in an existing payment system
Fast and safe transactions all over the world
Register on several major exchanges
Profitable mining using ACI-Coin


All contracts and bonuses in this project are paid in ACI-Coins.
TOTAL-SUPPLY: 10 000 000 000
ICO-SUPPLY: 1 000 000 000


December 1 2019 - December 31 2019 - 1 ACI = $ 0.025

01 January 2020 - 31 January 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.05
February 1 2020 - February 29 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.06
March 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.07
April 1 2020 - April 30 2020 - 1 ACI = $ 0.08




Bitcointalk Username: RedTrust

Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1726043

ETH Wallet Address : 0x6E7abE1d59BF334c13B5b0426E091Da269475072