Wednesday, February 26, 2020


HITMEX is a world-class blockchain asset exchange with a very high-performance order matching engine. This is a next generation crypto asset trading platform that aims to support high leverage and support asset exchanges of up to $ 1,000,000 USD per transaction. This white paper highlights Hitmex Exchange and BMEX Tokens which will be released soon. Continue reading to find out why you should invest in this lucrative exchange and token.

The Hitmex Exchange target conquered all imperfections in the unified and decentralized crypto exchange. We have understood the underlying problem and the target understands the rest later.

This is a very good opportunity, if you are a trader. After you want to make a large number of transactions, you can use this exchange because it is not slow and can reduce time expenditure for this situation.

Hitmex Exchange aims to overcome all the weaknesses in the centralized and decentralized crypto exchange. We have solved the main problem and aim to resolve the rest in the future. Hitmex Exchange will introduce our own token on Hitmex Exchange under the name BMEX. We will do an IEO (initial exchange offer) for BMEX on our exchange too.

Hitmex Exchange aims at overcoming all flaws in centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges. We have solved the main issues and aim at solving the rest in the future. Hitmex Exchange is going to introduce our own token on Hitmex Exchange with the name BMEX. We are going to do IEO (initial exchange offering) for BMEX on our exchange too.

HITMEX is the world class blockchain asset exchange with super high performance order matching engine. In fact, it is a next generation crypto asset trading platform which aims to support highly leverage and support assets swap of up to $1,000,000 USD per transaction.

BMEX is a token that issued by HITMEX exchange and it will be used to process payments worldwide, pay dividends on HITMEX EXCHANGE, pay for transactions fee, and used for voting rights on HITMEX EXCHANGE. BMEX uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks. Here are some of the advantages our members are going to enjoy:  
  • Fast peer-to-peer transactions 
  • Worldwide payments 
  • Low processing fees 
  • No central authority or banks 
  • Backed by Ethereum blockchain

HITMEX aims to use cold storage wallet on all exchange wallets. All users address will be changed to cold storage addresses to ensure total privacy. 



HITMEX will safely storage 90% of its total funds in Cold Storage Wallets outside exchange.


HITMEX will create insurance funds. 10% of our total revenue will be stored safely in cold storage wallets and used as an insurance funds to ensure no single user will lose the funds in case of hacking or something unexpected happens.
Referral Program

Hitmex referral program pay 25% commission charge per trade. A portion of its highlights have been enrolled beneath :

  • Voting 
  • Launchpad 
  • Limit Order 
  • Market Order 
  • Stop – Limit Order
We likewise leading IEO on our exchange Launchpad to rise the reserve for venture advancement. You can peruse increasingly about Hitmex Exchange and BMEX token here: 


Hitmex Exchange aims at revolutionizing the way people trade currencies. We want to help people take control of their investment. Our main goal is to make people earn more than that of other available options.
Some of the notable benefits include:

  • Affiliate program helps you earn more. 
  • Anonymity of transfers make system secure. 
  • Operation in 24/7 system accessible at anytime. 
  • Investments in digital currencies has become easy. 
  • Irreversibility of the transactions gives you piece of mind. 
  • The deflationary nature of the digital currency is a key feature. 
  • Decentralization and the speed of currency transfers is matchless. 



BMEX token is a unique utility token that makes it easy for people to invest and earn. Here are some basic details about BMEX token:

  • Name: The name of the token is “HITMEX Token” 
  • Symbol: The symbol of the token is “BMEX” 
  • Decimals: The decimals of the token are “18” 
  • Circulation Supply: Circulation supply of the token is going to be 750 million or 750,000,000 
  • Max Supply: Maximum supply of the token is going to be one billion or 1,000,000,000 
  • Total Supply: Maximum supply of the token is going to be one billion or 1,000,000,000 

1. It's time to overcome the big problem of centralized exchange. November 28, 2018:

2. Cryptocurrency exchange.

3. Benefits of digital currency trading.

For more detailed information, visit the link below: 

Bitcointalk Username: RedTrust
Wallet address : 0x6E7abE1d59BF334c13B5b0426E091Da269475072


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